I didn’t primarily read this as a political post. For me it was about my personal character and my willingness to take a stand when it matters. Growing up in a good ‘Christian,’ and equally important, “Norwegian” (conflict avoidant culture!) home, what mattered was being ‘good.’ What ‘good’ looked like was not rocking the boat, not creating waves. I learned on a soul level, very early on, to be a ‘peacemaker’ at all costs, to ‘submit to your elders.’ The picture you painted here - drawing the parallels between justice and love - is powerful. "Justice is correcting everything that stands against God's love and God's plan" - for life 'on earth as it is in heaven.' Seeing ‘taking a stand’ for justice, equality, inclusion, and respect as an act of LOVE gives me new language and new courage to think about this. Thank you!

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Not rocking the boat is actually a peace keeper, not a peace maker. Peace makers call out injustices and work for equality which is true peace... Peace keepers ignore problems to keep false peace. Peace makers call out problems and work to fix them, creating true peace

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Thank you for this, Joe. Grateful to be in this together.

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I would also recommend reading Across That Bridge and Walking With The Wind by the late Representative John Lewis. He too was an amazing warrior for justice.

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Great recommendations!

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Thanks Zach. And thank you for allowing free subscribers to comment. As much as we’d like to , we can’t currently support your and Amy’s Substack as paid subscribers.

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I was in high school when MLK was assassinated. I lived in diverse Los Angeles and didn't understand what was going on in the civil rights movement. This is such a weird time for me as I have come to see fellow Christians (some life-long friends) turn against justice and vilify as "justice warriors" or "woke" those of us Christians who didn't vote in a certain way. I have lost two life-long friends who now see me as "backslidden" and probably pray for me to come back to the fold, while they spew hate towards immigrants and Palestinians and anyone who isn't part of this "city on a hill" they think they live in. I'm still processing the shock of it all.

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I’m so sorry about the friends you’ve lost, Linda. But I hope you know that you are doing the right thing by standing up for justice.

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Thanks…it’s worth it to me.

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Excellent read to begin my Sunday morning. Thank you! The work of theologian Matthew D. Taylor is worth exploring as well.

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Yes! The Violent Take it by Force is one of the most important books I’ve read in a long time.

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The great irony is also that both of these men are prominent Christian men and yet hold very different beliefs and fight for different things and are often at odds against each other... While we argue whose side God would be on, which one is a "true Christian"

I'm so tired of the "What is a true Christian debate..." Christian means "Tiny Christ" so true Christians live like Christ and try to share his beliefs... Should be cut and dry. Love the oppressed, fight for the marginalized, call out injustices, feed the hungry... Love God and love others, don't allow fear of backlash to prevent you from speaking life, love and truth to power.

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Very well said

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Thank you for these words of encouragement and reminders for justice. We can all use that right now.

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As a person of faith myself, I have to say I was am extremely offended when I've seen & continue to see those who are supposed to be biblically literate or in the very least have an understanding of Jesus from whom they supposedly preach of & profess belief in so completely idol worshipping at the feet of a certain (remind you only certain, not any others)maga president. While even casting certain biblical characters on him as if he's a reincarnation of said character. (They'll also tell you reincarnation is an abomination) Imo my analogy of them/him is more like Judas who betrayed him for mere shekals. That is what their behaviors prove & exhibit to me anyway. As for me they have never represented my faith or Jesus in any way shape or form but Jesus actually said/taught spoke of that often also didn't he. Wolves in sheep's clothing, when people tell you to look here nor there do not believe them, wheat from chaffe, weeds among the good crops etc & the ones he despised the most blasphemes. Something these same people seem to pick & choose or ban out of their sort of gospel also. It's there way or no way not Jesus's of which they're in the way of, no real fruits of the spirit either. Sad really but it's there problems not mine, I'll continue on with my faith though, one thing they can never take or steal from me. I want a well done good & faithful no matter how small I may have contributed to him compared to other's, a mere mustard seed in the grand scheme of things but I do try to live it on the daily. I'm reminded of these lyrics whenever a rememberance is near


G d bless all, really enjoy you substack

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I wrote about this topic this week as well, Zach.


Thank you for your excellent and encouraging piece!

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A clear and important message, Zach.

I have come across your site by one of those strange linkages that can happen on Substack. I sent a message of support from Australia to a total stranger in New Jersey who posted about the need to hold strong and resist erosion of freedoms, in the shadow of today's inauguration.

She, in turn, visited my Substack Poetry Shack and read a short story which is, in part, about racism and social injustice in our Aboriginal/First Nation communities, and made a lovely comment.

Then I found, on her site, a restack of your powerful and beautiful post about the Bible, Starting

"Bible verses condemning trans folks: 0" - which I like so much that I have just restacked it myself, then come to visit your site.

I am not a Christian myself, but I was brought up to respect the basic principles and I love the work you are doing. Your message to us all to speak up about injustice is beyond important - it is vital. And thank you for acknowledging Poets in that - for a Poet, at heart, is what I am.

Best wishes and respect from Australia

Dave :)

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Thanks for these kind words, Dave. It's so great to connect with you!

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Add Danté Stewart

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Great addition

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That's a great reminder. We can't change the world, but we can change ourselves.

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Started well but lost me with the god bit. Only to the religious is “what god said” the most important thing. To do so many of us, what you have to say, what Dr King had to say, what anyone has to say, is so much more important that what a narcissistic, violent, sadistic, murdering, enslaving god had to say.

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You can’t separate Dr. King or the Civil Rights movement from faith in God. I don’t believe in the god you described and neither do many Christians, especially those from historically marginalized communities. What you’ve done here is the same thing that so many white evangelicals do: you’ve centered their version of god and pretended it’s the only correct understanding.

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Easy turbo. Not a white supremest. And correct, I am not the arbiter of Christianity. Man, why do Christian’s always get so angry when you remind them of their god’s words and deeds?

You have borrowed the intent from other writers as you say but you have claimed the deduction made as your own. You wrote it. Not me. Not them. Own it or repeal it. But don’t waste time getting mad at me because I don’t believe your god is a just entity. My view comes from the words of the bible. You can’t get mad at me because your god did horrible and cruel things.

And you don’t get to ignore those things if you worship that god. Reasonable?

And I appreciate it’s difficult to tell Christian’s who their god is, namely because there are more Christian gods than anyone can count. Everybody seems to have their own different one. But none of that changes the obscene things that god is recorded as doing in the Christian theological book.

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I think the issue Rod is that anyone can read the Bible and cherry pick verses for their own agenda. If you go into it with a set of hardened beliefs that don’t allow you to be open to what it’s teaching, then you won’t really ever understand it. It’s like a flat earther, who has no intention of changing their view, reading a book on Magellan or “How the Earth Became Round” by James Hannam.

Stripped of its context, original intent, culture, and heart behind it; the Bible can be used for all sorts of evil things. It’s similar to what some people who claim to be Christians do. And as you point out, this causes all kinds of “Christian gods” to emerge and be used for things that don’t align with Jesus.

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I think you’re about spot on. The other side of that coin though is that people cherry pick the good things and politically weaponise those things, as though deserving greater respect or authority because they’re on Team God. And that terrorises, endangers and kills people.

My point originally is that the Christian god is not the high point of love and justice. He is also a murdering, enslaving, psychopathic pig full of hate and jealousy. Justice is not about the Christian gods plan. It’s bigger than that and limiting justice to any god’s thought processes is not understanding justice. I’d almost agree with the author’s take on justice and love, but love is bigger than any god where I come from. Gods are only puny embellishments of our worst aspects and greatest fears.

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Your comment wasn’t about religion and the civil rights movement. Your comment was a value judgement based on your theological beliefs. “Justice is correcting everything that stands against God’s love and God’s plan for the flourishing of all humanity.” That’s from you, not the anybody in the civil rights movement.

Secondly I am not picking and choosing your god’s words. He was all those things and worse. And better. But you don’t just get to take the good bits. You don’t get to make up a new version of god because you don’t like how he killed babies and enslaved virgins. Your god had a considerable and well demonstrated evil streak. And that’s not opinion. That’s just reading the bible.

What I find most interesting about your stand point is that your are doing to your god what trump supporters do to your new president.

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My comment was derived from the work of Cornel West and Dr. King, as I outline in the essay. You are not the arbiter of what Christianity is and what it isn't. It's incredibly colonizing to tell people who their God is--especially leaders of the Civil Rights movement. This is just more white supremacist garbage wrapped in atheism, Rod.

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I have decided to focus my efforts on painting a picture of what true, good, beautiful and strong leadership looks like. Let's not lose sight on what could be, or what should be. It seems there has been a gradual, unrelenting, lowering of our standards. Your article is an inspiration.

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A bit biased to get 10 of your 14 sources from the same publication don't ya think?

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Hello. Are you suggesting he didn’t do these things? I could find many many non-AP articles to prove these things. Or YouTube clips of them coming directly from DT’s mouth.

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I chose the Associated Press for the majority of the statistics because they are the most unbiased news source in the world.

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I bring it up because while you bring up injustice in politics and political leaders (most certainly true) you have an incredible bias against Trump saying that he is the "most egregious perpetrator of injustice" when in fact the outgoing vice president Harris, in her time as AG in California, kept prisoners incarcerated as a means of cheap labor. In addition to the outgoing administrations stance on affirming transgender surgeries for minors, a gross injustice and deception to the most vulnerable in society that we should all we can to protect as the next generation in our country. Trumps net worth went down from 2016-2023, whereas Biden went from under 100k before he took office as vice president in 2007, to about 10 million as of 2024.

If you are going to target injustice as something to fight it would be best to look at those who are actually profiting off of it, and a cause of it.

And before you say it, I am in no way saying that Trump is a saint. He has lived an extraordinary life and has had some extraordinary failings of his own and I do not agree with everything he says.

Additionally, as I have seen you are a self proclaimed progressive Christian,(and that is another matter of harsh disagreement I have with you) you should not let your politics dictate your faith but rather the other way around. Hold fast to what is true and seek the truth in everything, especially from news networks. Our end goal as Christians is not to conform our faith to culture and let it change as society does, rather we are to reflect Christ as he who is, was, and always will be, the unchanging God, the rock, the Truth. And in a society that is on a continuous march away from God, resistance will be met, but do not seek the approval of man because it's the easy way out.

Reach out to the prostitute, the gay, the trans, the racist, the liar, the cheater, the prideful, the adulterer, and bring them to Christ - he is most welcoming of them all, worst of which being myself. But the goal in this is not to let them be as they were and continue their life of sin, but to be transformed by the miraculous work of the blood of Christ and renewing of their hearts and minds by the Holy Spirit to conform to the rulership of Christ as their Lord and Savior.

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Your first half is in direct opposition to your preaching in the second half.. can you not see the plank in your own eye?

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My first half is in direct opposition to the statements made in the post of the supposed and alleged injustices Trump has committed as or before being president, claims that are proved false with a simple search. And the irony that the author would call out injustice from Trump while neglecting to say anything on the out going administration is laughable. In light of the recent news following Bidens last 5 minutes as president yesterday, if he was so just and theres no reason to call him out- why did he (in advance) pardon his entire family from 2014 to now, in addition to the January 6 conviction committee.

If these people have yet to be convicted of any crime, and their actions were supported by Biden, why did he pardon them?

Why did Biden, if he is so just in comparison to Trump, pardon criminals who committed crimes such as murder, money laundering, drug dealing, theft, bank embezzlement. (https://www.justice.gov/pardon/pardons-granted-president-joseph-biden-2021-present)

My second half is in opposition to the progressive Christianity I see on the authors page. Christianity should be the one thing in culture the does NOT change. I concede though that it's something exercised by sinful people and some will come in and try to change it to be more...palatable, to the culture... But this is the wrong thing to do and flies in the face of Christ as ruler and Lord over all - especially when the "progression" encourages people to stay in their sinful lifestyles, rather than submitting to Christ and the Word of God, the Bible.

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You come across as a Pharisee.

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The attitude permeating your entire comment.

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And again; where?

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So attitude = Phariseeism?

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You say that, but I just sent 6 of those AP articles through Allsides bias checker and got ratings of; -6.5, -5, -3.5, -2.5, -2.5, and -1.5 left leaning bias.

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What is your point? Are you saying that DT didn’t say those things? Regardless of the source, if he said them, of which there’s video proof, then attacking Zach’s choice of sources seems like a moot exercise.

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Isn’t it troubling that we need a bias meter to confirm factual information? That’s the work of propaganda. Just use your own ears to listen to Trump and Vance. Whether you agree with them or not is the only bias that matters.

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I didn’t think that this is a political group. I love Dr. King! I agree wholeheartedly with your view of justice, how it is the correction of all that comes against what is real love. It is love itself! But I’m not looking for blogs that present political arguments to the right or left. I thought I would find encouragement in my deconstruction/reconstruction journey. I’ll unfollow since this is not what I expected.

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Hi, Tom. Thanks for sharing your concern. This is not a political group, but we do believe that there are political implications of our faith— especially caring for marginalized people, and our concern for them has grown in light of DT’s proposed plan of action. We hope you’ll stick around but wishing you all the best if you decide not to.

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Hey, Tom. My very first post on here was called The Politics of Jesus all about how Jesus was politically engaged and, if we are serious about following him, we must be too. I hope it’s helpful! https://open.substack.com/pub/zachwlambert/p/the-politics-of-jesus?r=j8qri&utm_medium=ios

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Justice and the fight for it was at the very heart of Jesus’ teachings. And he also stood up to the corrupt politicians/religious parties of the day. I don’t believe this post is about right or left. However, it is about right vs. wrong. Unfortunately, most Americans have lost their moral compass because of the rhetoric they’ve ingested.

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Yes. And it's unfortunate that facts have become political, and therefore verboten.

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I can’t say that I like Donald Trump myself but Kamala Harris seemed pretty suspect too.

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