If you need an example of Holy leadership, Marian Budde gave us that. She answered her call. That humbly delivered sermon spoke powerfully into the hearts of all.

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Her humility and kindness were so impressive.

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And thank you for your article. I have shared it with multiple friends. I am going to a social Justice meeting tonight her sermon and your article will be talked about. Thank you!

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You're welcome! So glad it's helpful.

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I had never heard of Mariann Budde but she has quickly become a hero to me. This reminds me of times I have been asked to do something I feared...like the time years ago when my position at the county courthouse required me to start performing wedding ceremonies or the times I've been asked to be a speaker at a workshop...I always assume God wants me to overcome my fear and rely on Him..that there's a reason I am being asked to do these things. I never noticed Matthew 28:8 before..."afraid yet filled with joy." I love that!

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I love that you have been practicing courage like Mariann and Mary for a long time too, Linda!

I first heard about Mariann in the summer of 2020 when she came out strongly against police forcibly clearing protestors out of Lafayette Square so Donald Trump's could pose for a picture holding a Bible. She's great.

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Wow...thank you...and I'm surprised that Trump allowed her to speak at all. Maybe he didn't know about her remarks after Lafayette Square?

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Or perhaps he thought she had been “converted” by his greatness. /s

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LOL…that’s more likely.

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Thank you Zach. So well written. I’ll be sharing your essay today at our Bible Study gathering. I can hardly wait to gather with like minded women & our pastor.

For what it’s worth … last night my husband and I attended a Democratic meeting in OC (Calif). The President of the group began the meeting by sharing (on YouTube) the Bishop’s homily. Wow. Over a hundred people applauded.

Our hearts were filled with hope … just knowing others around us care and are kindred about a message of compassion and grace.

Thank you so much for speaking out & being here.

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Zach, I apologize for not mentioning the excellence of identifying the Bishop as having the same / similar courage as Mary. Wow! I never once thought of that … nor did I consider how often Jesus told us to “fear not”. It’s really struck me where I needed it most. “Fear” is a serious emotion for me & my hub since DJT took office. Thank you for sharing all of this. We value your inspiration and insight.

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Thank you for all of these kind words and I'm so glad the essay was helpful and worth sharing with others! Glad y'all are involved in making a difference too. We are in this together!

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Thank you! Reassuring and interesting!

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Superb, Zach. Honoured to know you here.

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Just beautiful. So well written.

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Awesome post! Thank you, Zach!

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Fear seems to be a rising tide this week, and my community and I are starting to see if we can swim. This article is a much needed reminder of hope tethered to Jesus though every part of my being says run and hide. Thanks, Zach!

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Hang in there, my friend!

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Love this concept. will read in morning. smcd

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Thank you for this Zach. Your writing has been such a beacon during these weird, confusing, distressing times. I appreciate it so much!

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I’m so glad 💙

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Love this article! It’s so encouraging to me.

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Superb x loved this

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Such a lovely, bold example of peaceful resistance!

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I love this Zach, thank you so much. She was so humbly asking for grace, not nasty like trump said. She was and is so brave. God bless her

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Yes her humility was truly inspiring.

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I love that you said "Do not fear" in the bible was telling us we were going to be afraid, but don't let it boss us around. It is an important lesson.

I've always heard Do not fear meant that fear was wrong and sinful and that God is angry at us when fear comes along because we aren't trusting, but that is simply not the case, because we can be afraid AND still trust

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Thank you Zach for a great post.

As a doctor I know that fear is a product of my own neurotransmitters - Adrenalin amongst the most prominent.

I have learnt through experience that fear is a permanent guest in my body. A product of a very normal and universal fight or flight reaction.

I handle it more and more like an unexpected visitor that brings a gift and new revelation on my journey as Rumi suggested. If I handle it like that, it loses its threat and power.

This is what Rumi wrote:

This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out

for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

meet them at the door laughing,

and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,

because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond.”

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Beautiful words from Rumi. Thanks for sharing, Stephan!

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