We said we would include the nonprofits that we personally like. I mentioned Al Otro Lado and Equal Justice Initiative.

Bible resource wise, if you’re looking for something designed for kids, you might like my Great Big Bible Story Walkthrough (which is delivered through Substack) or Ask Away, which is a podcast for kids that does Bible stories. And I like the Bible for Everyone series for adults.

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Thanks, Meredith!

I mentioned CenterPeace, The Trevor Project, and local food banks as non-profits we love.

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This was fantastic. I have now written "Who am I able to love today?" at the top of my bill paying ledger. At the bottom is St. Padre Pio's "Pray, Hope and Don't Worry."

My commitment as of this moment is to quit doom scrolling and use that time to love who I can right now.

Thank you for the strategy session.

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I love that it felt like a strategy session. That was totally our hope. Just a chance to give some thought to what would be right for you.

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So glad it was helpful, Angela!

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This is so helpful! Thank you!

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You're welcome! Meredith is the best.

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ABSOLUTE FIRE! Thank you for having and sharing this important conversation.

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So helpful, thank you!

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Feb 21
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Funny, I thought it was abandoning the gospel of Jesus to give allegiance to a nation that acts like an empire.

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Women were the first witnesses to and preachers of the Gospel, Ron. We wouldn’t have Christ’s church in America or any anywhere without them. Misogyny like yours is actually a huge part of why the church in America has lost 40 million members in the last 25 years.

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Feb 21
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I would just add that both Zach and I do speak on a wide variety of things that we think are important to the heart of Jesus. My Substack is literally Bible stories for children. It just happens that we chose to talk about this right now.

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As Meredith and I talked about in the video, our kids are asking us questions about Donald Trump, the state of our country, and what difference our faith in Jesus should make at times like these. We can't unsubscribe from being a parent and if we ignore their questions, they will just ask them somewhere else.

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